Dawn at ICS has created such a lovely sketch for us to work with this week. I've had this lovely Sarah Kay How Sweet You Are image colored up since September and was going to use it in a card, but when I went to trim the image I misjudged where the blade on my cutter was and removed her toes and knee caps(Oh my), but I couldn't just dismiss her so I put her up until I could utilize what I did have of the image. This week's sketch is perfect. I pulled from my scraps to put this card together and I added some machine stitching to the bigger panels. The image was colored with copics and I sanded some K&Company chipboard butterflies to add. I do hope that you can join us this week and for more inspiration on this sketch please visit the rest of the fabulous DT listed in my side bar.
An Award...
While trying to catch up with some blogging comments, I came across one that was left for me by the ever talented Traci. Better known as Wicked Pixie. I first met Traci when she was on the Club Anya DT. I was just discovering The Greeting Farm and I think my copic collection was around 20 markers(that has certainly changed). Anyway I was blown away by all of Traci's coloring(especially of black hair) and her perfect alterations to TGF images. I know I've asked her advice on more than one occasion and she has just been the greatest and so supportive. So imagine my surprise when I received this from Traci...
This award is bestowed onto blogs that are exceedingly charming. These bloggers aim to find and be friends. The are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes cut, even more friendships are propagated. I am supposed to pass this along to six bloggers but that choice is just to hard for me to do. I am inspired by so many and have made so many wonderful friends that it would be too hard to pick only six. See all those names under Inspiration in my right side bar? I either draw inspiration or friendship and in most cases both from that list(I actually need to update this list to include more girlies). So I am passing this award on to all those lovely ladies too. I have other awards that need to be written up that I lost when I revamped my blog. Someday soon I'm going to go find them and give them there proper place. Thank you Traci! You really made my day with the award {{{hugs}}}. Sorry for the long post and thank you for bearing through it with me.
What a sweet card!
stunning card and wooo hooo on the award. well deserved!
Love IKEA. I have my stamping supplies organized in an IKEA shelving unit too. Glad you found something that works for you!
This is just GORGEOUS Mary!!! One of my fave SK images and your coloring is awesomeness!!!!
Mary this is so -pretty awesome job.
adorable! Love this image. What a greatcard. and well deserved award!
Oh, this is so sweet! I think I would give a couple of pinky toes for some extra hours in the day. If you figure how to get a few let me know.
Your card is so pretty! Glad you had a great weekend and yeah, IKEA can get me into trouble too.
Mary, you make such wonderful cards. Your images are always so beautifully colored and this one is not exception! I would have cried if I had chopped off part of my image but you rescued it amazingly well!!
Oh, I love IKEA too! I've gotten some amazing things to help with my craft organization. Isn't that fun!?!
Oh my Mary this is precious!!! I love your corner treatment, how beautiful!
Love this card Mary, it so sweet & innocent looking!
Congrats on the totally deserved award!
Such a sweet card! Cute layout and love the little butterflies!
This card is just sooo sweet! I adore this Sarah Kay image. Your embellies are to die for! (you go girl!!! look at you!) These papers together give it a shabby chic country feel ... and I LOVE IT!!!
((I do not work well in clutter either .. and do my ABSOLUTE BEST to keep it out ... but homeschooling and having 2 kids running about nonstop just makes it nearly impossible :( UGH!!!!! ))
gorgeous! love the image!
I love this sweet card Mary. Its absolutely adorable.
This is so precious--I love your layout!
Your image is beautifully colored, Mary, and I love that you kept the background simple to allow it to shine! Breathtaking!!!
Marvelous card.
Thanks for sharing.
clipping path
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