Happy Wednesday all! Ever receive a blog award and wonder what is the story behind that award or who created the art for it? Those questions led me to creating my own blog award to give out to those that inspire me. Hopefully they will do the same for those that inspire them. Which is why this is called the "Inspiring Blog Award". There are many blogs that I frequent looking for inspiration whether it is for a layout, how they used a particular stamp, colouring technique, or just to read and get to know who they are and a little about their lives. I have made many friends and have been inpired by many others ... this award is for you. Snatch it up and pass it along. There is only one rule to this award and that is to leave a thank you in the comments of the person's blog who sent it to you. Easy peasy.
I used a section of the card I created yesterday because I thought the colors were so vivid and would make a fabulous looking award. You can see the deets of the card that inspired the award
here. I hope those that receive it, enjoy it and pass it on.
Here is my list of inspiration
: (I cannot possibly list everyone here, but since we run in circles I know this award will find its way to you.) SandraKadieLorieKellyCatherineAmyTraciRandiKimSparkleElenaCindyJessicaThe Greeting FarmClub AnyaHave a great day! Don't forget there will be a new Farm Fresh Challenge this Friday over at The Greeting Farm.
Thank you very much for this spectacular award, and I say spectacular because of the beautiful image you chose, and the heartfelt sentiment that inspired you to create it! Bless you, my dear and wonderful friend, as you inspire me each and every day!!
You so sweet to give me this award, I love that image just darling.
--hugs Cindy
Thank you SO much, Mary!! You inspire all of us as well. Beautiful job with this image and very thoughtful sentiment behind the award. I'm honored to receive it and to call the giver my sweet friend!
You rock my world, Miss Mary! I think it's awesome that you made your own award, and thank you so much for sharing it with me!
This is just darling! I love this Anya. Thanks Mary!
OMGoodness, Thank you, thank you, thank you!! That is the MOST gorgeous award (You know I loved the card!!) I can't wait to offer it to other TGF fans!! You are AWESOME!! :-)Traci
Thank you so much for the wonderful award and thinking about me, Mary... It is a big honor for me to receive it. I am so glad that I can be an inspiration. :)
Thank you Mary!!! I feel so honored to be one of the first recipients!! This is a gorgeous award!! I love the card you created that it's based on!!
I'll be sure to get an award post up soon!! I should be giving the award back to you! ;o) You are a huge inspiration to me!!
Thanks again! Hugs!
I have seen a lot of awards out there but this is THE most gorgeous (and prestigious of course) one out there. It is incredible and I can't thank you enough for passing it on to me. You are so amazingly talented, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
YOU inspire ME chickie!!! Amazing card turned fabulous award.
I haven't made a super cute award like you did, but I just wanted to let you know I always follow your blog and YOU always inspire me :)
This is adorable Mary, OMG! The coloring is wonderful and I am honored that you chose to give it to me-amongst such an amazing bunch of women! Also, thank you so much for your sweet comments in the post before about the party,release, etc. It was really fun and thanks to you for your participation! You're awesome! Gladto be back in internet land :)
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